Friday 19 June 2015

Timedrops - a poem

When did our fortress fall?
I don't remember our last chance
Was it at that Winter ball
When we first forgot to dance?

And I sat on Martin's knee
And kissed him on the tongue 
And I let him run his hand up
Had our discontent begun?

And I saw a look I'd never seen
Was it then my song was sung?
Or did it start much earlier?
Was it what the stork had brung?

Friends would see the joy in us
Before the real came knocking
Before we signed away our youth
And sent our sparkle packing

What happened to the giddiness
When we could barely breathe?
When moving up was settling down
Was it then it took our leave?

And all we thought and felt and held 
Toppled to the ground.
How was it all so different then?
Before we learned to frown.

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