Tuesday 9 August 2016

Re-Entropy Into the Atmosphere

Modern life, eh?
It's complicated, isn't it?
The decisions we take. 
The decisions that take us.

But what are we really doing?
In a word, I think...
in one single word...

Or choosing not to.

But there are rules of connecting. Aren't there?

What are yours?

It used to be simple... to avoid religion or politics.
But you're not so dim that you still think that will do? Are you? 
Tell me you are not.
Maybe you don't even think that is true?

Or have you never given it a moment's thought?

Oh god...you haven't, haven't you?

Oh, sweet Lord, no. You're a monster.

Theres is too much work to do than  I can cover here.
Please. Start. Somewhere.
You won't.  But you should.

Connecting is a note, a decision, a gift.
You create molecules, matter. Something that is more than the sum of its parts.

But there is a cost to that that the laws of the Universe demand.
The cost is risk...standing, credibility, vanity, love or whatever you may define as any or all of those.
That is the cost of risking connection.
Because that is what it takes to obey the Universe.
It is inescapable.
It is the price of creating a beautiful thing from absolutely nothing, say it again. 
It is the price of reversing entropy.

The only remaining question is...who is prepared to pay it?