Wednesday 6 April 2016

Being Binary

It's important when debating, or perhaps even arguing, not to allow things to become too personal, particularly in the domestic situation.

I would propose to this end that we employed a little more dispassionate, binary logic.
Now I assume you can already anticipate the difficulties with how this would work with a woman, but let's walk this through anyway and see where we end up.

One of the advantages is responding with brevity is so things don't get too heated.
I will give you an example.

Her: "It's your turn to take the bins out"
Your response "Error"
Do you see how simple and succinct this approach is? 
You don't need to engage further, just carry on reading the paper and you have sorted the issue.

"I'm not your hashtag slavegirl, you know"
Your response: "Syntax error". 
This brief volley not only corrects poor use of the English language but also re-establishes your role in the relationship. Not out of the woods but job done for now and time to spare.

"Your children are badly behaved"
Your response: "Misrepresentation of data retrieval".
This example takes quite the assumption that the children are shared, at least in terms of DNA. But it not only explains to the woman in question exactly where the errors in her statement contribute to the problem situation, it also points out some specific areas she needs to work on.

"If you don't like it, you should iron your own shirts"
Anything in this territory can be countered simply with: "An invalid argument was encountered".
You don't even need to look up from the TV to offer it.
In fact, I would go as far as to suggest, you'd be well advised not to.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Quotable Me 29

Don't wait for somebody to thank you.
Be the one doing the thanking.