Monday 8 November 2010

Keeping Fit

Diagnostic coding has its place but if you are forced to label everyone who comes through the door, there are going to be tricky times. Most patients of primary care (family medicine) don’t have a clear diagnosis. Or don’t have one yet.
I have gone through a phase many years ago of coding (with the nearest most relevant code) those people I could find nothing wrong with as “Fit”.
Waking in a cold sweat a few years later as my subconscious reviewed this process in a less than timely way, I realized that a ‘fit’ is of course a ‘seizure’, perhaps even due to epilepsy.
So for those inconvenienced by my coding say during an application for an HGV licence or trying to get into the army, well, as we used to say at school: Soz!

Thursday 4 November 2010

Raising an eyebrow

Have you ever even in a weak moment desired to use a semicolon?
If so, stop and think. Know when you are out of your depth.

To me it demonstrates a level of uncertainty - "Oh I'd like to end the sentence but I'm just not sure. Shall I? Shan't I?
(This is best said in your internal dialogue in a lily-livered voice).
Because if there is a camper punctuation, I'd like to hear about it.
And this is from a chap who is about to start going to work on an emoticon this winter.
Apparently they don't use much fuel.