Sunday 9 July 2017

Kids really do say the funniest things

Whenever my little one comes out with a golden nugget, I often like to praise her by saying..."You should be a comedian".
But my wife quickly follows up with ..."or a doctor or a lawyer".
At least she would do if I was married. 
Or had children.

On which subject, have you ever noticed that strange myth targeted at single people ...namely that they live selfish lives?

It is usually coming from somebody who has committed the ultimate act of selfishness by reproducing another generation as close to themselves as they can muster.

It is a good job such an act is excused in today's society by the process of instinct and the questionable necessity of the survival of the species because having children must be the single most narcissistic act in all of creation.

Of course when they realise what they got themselves into, some of them have to ease off on the 7 day Prosecco  and  develop some selfish habits by putting their kids first.
Hopefully at least one of the loving couple will manage that for some of the time that they share the children in formative early years, and some of the time that they have them in the post divorce years.

The curious thing is that they then decide to misremember this desire for the ultimate accessory and recall it as an act of "unselfishness".
And then.. then.... they  point to people who haven't committed such an unnecessary addition to the population and sneeringly identify them as selfish.

It beggars belief.