Friday 28 May 2010

Just the facts, Ma'am

Have you noticed as I have over the years the criticism that the Daily Mail gets?
As it used to be our family paper, this has long perplexed me. It has always seemed pretty fair and balanced with a smattering of interesting strong opinions from good writers as far as I can see.
Yet I have been taught by the liberal TV people that that makes me a communist or a raging Nazi like there is a difference.
Can it really be so vilified? Is it that bad? As I don’t get any daily paper never mind the poncy ones I have not felt fully qualified to comment.
Until today
Until I tested a new theory.
Maybe people hate it because it’s popular.
But is it? It is just one of many papers that I would have guessed sold well maybe roughly equally.
Wrong. Google the circulation figures and welcome the light.
After The Sun, the Daily Mail massively outsells the rest. Twice as many as its nearest rival and more than the Guardian, the Times, The Express and The Telegraph put together. And it has the best TV guide in a Saturday.
So rest your conscience, it is the popularity they hate.
Obvious when you have the stats.

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