Tuesday 11 May 2010

Being Western

Science is curiosity. But one person's curiosity is another person's dogma.
And when faced with the closed mind of a believer, who will you place your money on?
Maybe if we all thought about things then the world would be a dangerous place. Maybe that's why our big empty brains invented religion. To placate the tiring questions with a few easy answers.
What easy answers?
And why "easy" when so many struggle to swallow it? Have you ever heard anyone say "without doubt there is no faith".Ouch!" Maybe it isn't so easy to force yourself to believe and close off the more rational parts of your brain. What a shame.

Well the easy answer is that of the lazy scriptwriter.
Stuck with a problem to complete your teleplay? It is the same issue.
Humanity came up with the very answer that is the greatest criticism of scifi entertainment. Star Trek writers were chided with an Almighty amount of criticism for it down the years.
The plot device of the all powerful overlord.

We created an omnisomething-or-other creature with all the answers. (Mummy, can God see me when I am on the toilet?)
The ultimate plot device.
That is why it's an easy answer.
The rest is papyrus and centuries of padding. Interesting, yes. Old things are nice. Give them to the scientists. Put them in a museum. Don't believe in the highly improbable because of them.
Why would you think they were a a documentation of the supernatural? Come on! Can you even say it without a giggle?
WAKE UP!! Open your eyes. Get real. Face the painful reality the rest of us have to live in. It will make you a better person. Be embarrassed if have made this simple mistake for decades. You should be. But laugh it off quickly. And help others.

We are living in an age where my truth (say, science or mathematics) is only as good as your truth (say, Scientology and flower remedies). Is there any weaker argument than "Well that's just your opinion".I don't think so.
But in our new enlightened world, all opinions are equal of course. Whim wins. Rigour retreats.

It is an insult to reason. But at least science is big enough to take it on the chin so come and have a go if you think you are hard enough. Eventually the power of the argument will win you over. Quickly or by dripping erosion.

All opinions.Equal. 66 years ago some were said to be more equal than others. That simple truth is gone.
Patients are Doctors. Hell, nurses are doctors.
Astronomy is on the same bill as astrology.
Nuclear physics on the same bill as reflexology.
Physics the same bill as psychics.
All Equal.
God help us.

You could fight of course. Fight their belief. But do you really want to? And do you really know how? Is there really any way to win this soul?
And why bother?
Let them believe in fairies.
Let them think chiropractic is a profession.
Let them check out Deepak Chopra's website for an early bird discount.

If you do help them, well done you. It is a generous gift you give. Only perform this service for people you really like. And not even all of them.
Your best reward may only to be accused of being "western". And therefore wrong. Presumably.
Wrong is what you are when there are no rights, when you have your rights removed.
It doesn't matter that people died for your rights. Maybe you'll still be able to keep in touch if their name begins with a J or a G. Or an M.

When you have no rights, all you have left is wrongs.

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