Wednesday 17 April 2013

Twos and Ones

Change isn't difficult, it's normal.
Change is what life is. Change is what we are designed to do. Change is easy. Change is exciting. Change is fun. 
We are change machines. 
Not the change machines that give you ten twos for your 20p for the horseracing fairground game (much though I enjoy it).
Not the change machines that turn our coppers into a supermarket receipt that we can spend on produce. 
(Please forgive the unnecessary use of the word 'produce', I don't mean to offend anybody). 
No! Silly! We are not those change machines at all.

It's inertia we should fear, lack of change, lack of growth. Because you accelerate through life. As a famous relative of mine has always said "It's all uphill when you are going down".

Acceleration may slow even to a crawl. And that's fine, it's great. It has its own rewards. Gives you time to think and appreciate and enjoy. But as soon as it stops altogether in every capacity then your body stops asking questions of itself. Your mind stops working out. It's no good. It is a full stop. Only slide remains.

The advantage of age is that you know what you genuinely want to experiment with.
If you don't fancy sub aqua diving, don't do it. You don't need to just because other people enjoy it.
If you don't like team sports, I invite you not just to avoid them at all costs. But give those airheads who do a pretty hard time. It's likely they haven't started on the human adventure you have. What good came of those kids kicking a ball around on your estate as children?? Exactly. And they are still doing it? Beggars belief. Pity them but try to help them. I find it more fun to do in a slightly supercilious way but you have to find what works for you.

Do anything you want to. Keep this side of the law (mostly). 
If I could give you one piece of advice (and you had any reason to value you my advice), I would suggest that you don't eat peanuts after midnight. But you might be able to be somebody who can reseal the packet when you're only 20% in and put a clothes peg over the end. You may have strength I lack.  

So change. Even if you don't need to, even if you're ambivalent about it. 
Do it for the sake of it. 

Do it. 
Just because you can.

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