Thursday 11 April 2013

Cold War

At my Improv class on Wednesday nights - one of the ways they make us bond (!), and "get the energy up in the room" (double!), is to yell out body parts which the victims (participants) (us) have to gamely physically approximate to each other.
Going nose to nose with somebody who has a cold is pretty hard to beat as a way of getting one yourself. So that has been a little improvisational gift to me on two of these classes. 
A couple of minutes pass while we bump various random parts of anatomy together, dancing to the trick of the caller, while pretending that it's only the laughter that is infectious.
And of course you have to be a good sport about it. Going masked up like a Chinaman is not "in the spirit of the class".

(Let's assume for the sake of the next sentence that catching a cold is one of the most unfortunate events in history. Stay with me!)
And if there's one thing worse than catching a cold, it's knowing the exact moment that you caught it.
It's heavy information no one should be asked to bear. 

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