Friday 12 April 2013

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

I've witnessed two utter disgraces this week.

Firstly, the Kent police and crime commissioner Ann Barnes.
What a spectacular waste of space. 
She appoints a 17-year-old to help her with her job, and then hangs her out to dry in the most humiliating manner possible.
A 17-year-old is a child in the legal system of England. To persecute her so publicly for tweets from two years previously when she was 15 and 14, is child abuse.

And why? An incompetent interview process by incompetent interviewers with 164 applicants and they didn't think to check Twitter?
Why has Ann Barnes not resigned?
She says "I am going to stand by her". She didn't! Why would she?
She says with a smirk "social networking sites are a no-go area for most of us adults"  and then follows up 2 minutes later in the same interview with "I've had some tweets myself, people complaining about me in the most rude, offensive, vulgar, language and I've had to delete them"

Kent police and crime commission Ann Barnes doesn't represent any part of the society I recognise. Every shred of humanity and unselfishness has been aged out of her and caked over with inch-deep face make-up.  And who is she? Wiki tells us she broke the rules of her own job campaigning against the introduction of the position that she went on to buy with £68,000 of self-promotion, while threatening legal action over a tweet that criticised her funding. A tweet!

She could have learned something from this but her ego will make that impossible. 
She is four times the age of a the child she hung out to dry and showed no remorse herself.
Now the girl has to face a police investigation.
A society can be judged on how it treats our children.
This is something the entire country should be ashamed of.
This is Ann Barnes.

Secondly, I've long since lost patience with psychics, pretending to contact the dead. But I've kept my objections at arms length as I've enjoyed unravelling some of their techniques while never having been to a psychic show.
But this week on Pick TV, I witnessed Psychic Sally do her stuff. 
I'd like to say she was a talented charismatic performer, and that despite my personal beliefs I kind of enjoyed it, as I did when I saw John Edward do the same thing for the American audience.
But I didn't.
It was almost unwatchable. She was a terrible performer. I've never, ever, ever seen insincerity like it. These are warm, human, real people in the audience. They can't be that stupid. They can't be. Or I've been given human beings too much credit my entire life. It derails me when I question my trust in the humanity I thought was all around.

Although perhaps it clarifies something. I don't think I've ever managed to talk somebody who believes in psychic phenomena round to the truth. Their delusions are too strong and they are too close minded.  I have changed people's minds on just about everything else. I could do it but I would need more than one session to take that on. 

But the pure deceit of her performance,  the unadulterated exploitation, lies and her personal cruelty just made me very, very sad. 
We all need to redouble our efforts against this cancer of fake hope. 

I don't think in my life I've ever witnessed anything so totally and purely wrong.

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