Saturday 6 September 2014

Dark Loops

We live successfully as a species which kills animals for food. And we have particular animals that we eat. 
We prefer pig to horse. Cow to cat.
We even kill our own species - raising certain humans to be soldiers to fight and die for us.
We send people into peril. Particular people, cannon-fodder. As the fragrant, well-dressed generals push their toy soldiers forwards on the map. 

Some cultures raise warriors but nowadays the only Spartans left are CGI. Yesterday's tigers are now armies of cockroaches. No heroes and no heroics. Just cowards who present their senseless violence.
Cowards who kill their food halal. And behead human beings without the same courtesy.
Spartans don't kill halal.

We even grow particular sub-communities to sacrifice to the banks and the banking system.
We have a poor who don't choose and still are exploited so that the rich can get extra rich.
And we have people who choose to be in the system, to be the exploited. 
Some of these people in the pop culture wing we call celebrities. It seems to me like there's an entire sub breed of minor celebrities that have been raised for the cull. To be humiliated on television and endless mindless shows with identical formats.
The repeat offenders of reality television, the same names, over and over again so they are known as celebrities only by appearing on other reality programs that make them so. The system eating itself. A dystopian vision of senseless entertainment. Looped in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It even cheapens the concept of celebrity. No Cary Grants. No Marilyn Monroes.
Just a brand of people bribed, conditioned and ultimately raised to be treated in a certain way.

This is a type of celebrity that is not so much Celebrity-lite.
As Celebrity Dark

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