Thursday 7 June 2012

The Emperor's New Ankles

I don't believe in lymph.

I know most of the other more famous body fluids because I've met them, largely because I've had my hand at one point or another in most human places that you can put a hand.
And I ain't never seen no lymph.
For that matter I don't know anyone who has.

I've heard alternative prattitioners (no, that isn't a typo) wax lyrical about it, pretend to push it around, see it grow at times of increased sunspot activity and generally blame it on the lack of karma in the Universe.

But it's a construct. It's a fib.
And as humours go, it ain't no laughing matter.

There was a time when everybody believed in ectoplasm. Now it only turns up at Derek Acorah shows when he turns the lights out. And I can tell you for a fact, he just uses luminous Silly Putty.

Lymph is a concept, not a thing.
It can't be pushed, filed, stamped, briefed, debriefed or catalogued.
If it does exist at all, it is probably the closest thing to pure evil we will ever experience.

So I say, end the lymph conspiracy.
Be a lymph naysayer.

Say No to Lymph.

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