Saturday 16 June 2012

Laws of Attraction

What attracts you to somebody?
I reckon that there are three basic criteria.

2.Beauty (by which I think I mean simply facial appearance (we are obsessed with it, I suppose) and
3.Brain. (I'm using brain to cover personality, fire, originality and intelligence... but how many intelligent half wits are there? (I'll tell you, it is 1.476 billion to the third decimal place). Emotional intelligence is much more important and doesn't come with a degree. There is no shortage of stupid stunted people with degrees.

So, honestly now, supposing you agree with my supposition, how would you stack these virtues. What REALLY NOW is your priority?

You may think you're perfect partner must have all three but which of these would you do without?
At a squeeze ?
Which would you sacrifice?

Which would you prefer?
A plain brain with a knockout body?
A pretty plus-sized porker with a degree?
A candy floss model who won't go to the pub quiz unless there is a round on shoes?

Would you sacrifice two of the three criteria?
Would you not even sacrifice one?

Would you suffer your ongoing voyage like Odysseus forever looking for all three, perhaps even as your own three fail.

Perhaps you will stick too early, you'll settle and undersell yourself? Uuurgh, is there anything worse?
Perhaps you'll overreach. Can you hang on to him? Can you hang on to her?

Perhaps you're not all that yourself.
You gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them.

These are the criteria.
This is the truth.
Have you worked it out?

Have you worked it out yet is this level of reduction is meaningless. The rules in isolation are reductionist.

Work out which of the three you would sacrifice. You really should know this by now.

Then you can start working out why the entire supposition is as wrong as it is right.

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