Wednesday 26 August 2015

Role play

You know the phrase..

If you can''t say anything positive, don't say anything at all... you know that?

I use that.

Not all the time..but more often than most. 
It is in my arsenal.
Is it in yours?
Thought not.
It's just a postscript in aphorism history to you - the Oxford Book of Cliches.

Well wake up, moron. 
And be nice. 
Your grandma knew what she was talking about. 
She wouldn't have go to balls, dinners and proms in a man's DJ or wear a trouser suit unless it was the sort of onesie that the goddess known as Anneka Rice made her own. 
(She didn't make her own).

Imagine those who tweet you before debate you, criticise before bother to learn something, score a point and recruit their friends against you..imagine the bitches who do that. 
"You're a loser". 
"You're wrong". (WTF) 
"You're uninformed". 
"You're a dimwit". 
"You're an". fill in your own... it barely's the diagnosis of a half -modern half-wit.

I say bitches because this is a female thing. 
Score higher by scoring others lower. 
Is it any wonder men like to drink "alone" which I mean "with other men"?
Then the laydeez can just do it to each other..and perhaps stretch it to a catty Edinburgh Show. Get drunk. Get sad. Go home. Show me a man who has ever done that.

Not everything needs to be facebooked out of context, instagrammed for likes or tweeted for followers and digital affection or whatever the language is.


Or is that sexist?

Don't answer.
It's rhetorical.

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