Friday 20 March 2015

Wait, who are you? .......A friend.

Yesterday I did a little blog and for some reason my email recommended
to me play the John Williams Superman theme. Coincidence? Not for me
to say.
So, not needing much encouragement I tuned into YouTube and watched a
montage of Superman clips to the classic theme.
4 minutes well spent.

Now let's bring this down a little bit. That is one great movie.
I can't tell you how much I admire Christopher Reeve, how sad it is
that he's not here any more and how inspiring he was.
But that his wife died 18 months after him at the age of 44 of lung
cancer never having smoking a cigarette in her life... well If you
ever have the idea that life should be fair then forget it so hard
that you never need to forget it again.

As Superman, Christopher Reeve was electric.
You believed a man could fly.
There wasn't even a doubt.
He showed you, and went on showing you in more ways than anyone should
be asked to show.
It strikes a chord because sometimes as a man you have to jump off a
tall building, change on the way down and land as Superman.
It's impossible for a woman to know that, but it is true.

My favourite bits were all the little vignettes where he'd quickly
save somebody, almost in passing, on his way to his next job as it
Just because that's what you do.
And of course in the montage was the helicopter scene.
Lois Lane falls from a helicopter that has collided with a building.
And Superman gets there just in time.
It's a classic.
I know you've seen it.
But can you remember the line?
I can.
I even think you can.

On this montage the sound was off because the theme tune was playing
but my brain has been able to fill in that part of the script since
1978. (Admittedly, I think it was on the original trailer).

Superman grabs her, certain death prevented, and says "I've got you".
As a boy it would make me cheer. Now it is as likely to make me make a
tear with my cheer. It is utterly joyous.

Lois: "You've got me? Who's got you?"
(Little smile from Supes).

It's a good question though, isn't it?
Who's got you?

And then of course, on the way back up, he catches the helicopter as well.

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