Saturday, 28 March 2015

Hard (The) Times

I just went out to buy a newspaper but only seven copies of my newspaper had completed their journey to the vendor and they had all sold out. 
Just as I was pulling the newsagent over the counter and laying into him with a rolled up copy of Melons Monthly, I noticed there was a stack of my newspaper's supplement that they had delivered.
Now I only buy it for the supplement.

"You can take a free supplement, we don't get charged for those"  said the newsagent.
"Okay, thanks".

Stage 2 of "pulling my belt in" was complete.
Go to newsagent. Blag a free TV Guide. 

Stage 1 was last night meeting a friend for a drink when he decided to buy all the beers. (I have recently fallen on hard times). He might have been taking the piss but at least he was delivering it.

Now it's down to the butcher for some offal. It's liver and onions for tea.
I'm just putting on my fingerless gloves, then I'm going to head straight over as soon he is open. 

I will just flick the heating off while I'm waiting.

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