Wednesday 7 January 2015


We often learn about the homeless that "they didn't choose this".
Mostly that's true. Although I've met a few who prefer to spend their housing money on Lambrini and Frosty Jacks than rent.
You get so much more booze for your money and it makes the underneath of the railway arches so much more welcoming.
But the reality may be that many individually-made choices led to today. Why is that any different? Why do people count that as "not a choice".

Life isn't black-and-white.
We don't think X because of Y. We think X because of A to W.

If you get as far as V with some bad choices, you're probably going to get as far as X. And feel sad and sorry for your misfortune.
That is still choice. That is still free will. A rather optimistic or ignorant lack of vision perhaps. A denial of your own weaknesses most probably. But that is still choice. It's still freedom.

An accident doesn't happen just because it's an accident. It happens because as of a series of several dozen processes that haven't been managed well enough to create a set of circumstances that prevent it.
Not all of those are outside of personal control. Most, maybe. But not all. So we nudge and flex and barge our way either through or around them or blaze an entirely new trail.

I've had people tell me that life is a struggle. Of course it is. Why amongst all of the animal kingdom would our species be exempt from that? When you imagine another life, would you like to take on that of the wildebeest, the housefly, the Mayfair millionaire businessman.  And if it is the businessman you think you prefer, are you just thinking of the endless champagne parties, hobnobbing with Bobby Davro, or the 5am starts, three divorces, endless tax bills, leaky roof, disgruntled staff, cocaine exposé in the local paper and terrible gout.
You're not thinking it through.  You're cherry picking. Stoppit.

We are born into circumstances. Better than many by living in the UK, unless you can think of a country you would rather have been born in.
If we want to change your circumstances, or, and this is important, even maintain them the way they are, your job is to struggle to do so.
Or don't bother.

But don't tell me life is a struggle unless you know where the struggle is.
Is it inside?
Or is it outside?
Inside you?
Or external circumstances?

Either way, it is inside you because the world isn't coming to get you.
The world isn't coming to get you because it doesn't care. It doesn't care about you. You are not relevant to it, just perhaps to a small number of individuals within it, each with their own struggle.

No, the struggle is with yourself. 
So what are you waiting for. Your dues?  Grow up!
Use the Force, Skywalker.
Do or don't do. There is no try.
The force is within you.
It's a tale as old as... well, 1977.

It isn't useful to your struggle to think of life as a struggle.
Rather, life is a gift.
It is just struggle-shaped.

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