Monday, 2 December 2013

Move Over, Punk

There was a book a few years ago called Nudge.

It had a snappy little line in pop culture and caught the imagination of the politicians.
I didn't read it. But I feel by reading the title that I did. 
It's a pretty easy concept. (Possibly so easy it may not be true, but let's not let that stop a good self-help book).

A movement in a positive direction is a positive movement. Call it a nudge if you will.
The fact is in life you need your nudges.
If you know yourself well enough, you might know what form you prefer your nudges to take. Perhaps they will have the face of a family member, friends, a drug, burning the midnight oil, a hobby, a pastime, an activity, a good nights sleep, a tough workout, an interaction. Or a word. 
Perhaps just a kind word from a stranger. Just the extension. 
Of a hand.

You might find yourself sometimes needing two or three of these things at the same time to realign yourself.
Or maybe just one. I hope you get them. I hope you get what you need at the time you need it. But if you don't, have a reserve plan. Have enough things in play in your life where you can deliver your own nudges. It's one thing to be self-motivated, but be self protecting too.
And remember to contribute to the pot. You may have someone in your life who gives many kind words.
But notice it, appreciate it and when you have time in your own way validate it.
That's three different activities.

Notice it - to take the time to notice that it's taken an effort, a thought, the energy of a transmission.
Appreciate it - it may be easy to feel but it may not be so easy to externalise, to show. Particularly if you're British. And male. And Northern. Let's not get overexcited, it may not even be necessary. Getting giddy with appreciation may not be your style. I'm happy to say it's not mine, but most of us can learn to say thank you to a well meant sentiment. Not necessarily just a kind word, as that may have manipulative subtext but rather to a well-meaning thought but feels genuine.
And then finally, not necessarily now but when you can,  validate it - we don't need to have the same styles to nudge back. You can do it with a wink or a drink, by running a bath or picking a daff.

Keep nudging, nudging on, nudging along in a way that is true to your character.
And we'll all nudge ahead.

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