Saturday 7 September 2013

Yesterday, When I Was Young

As I was preparing to go out tonight, I turned on radio 2.
Well, what are you going to do when you want some music and no adverts.

In the evening at least there's a reasonable chance most of the more moronic DJs will have set up home, or being arrested by Operation Yewtree. (I am not fully sure that the Yewtree will recover from this latest blight)

And just to prove that I'm older than you might imagine, I stayed listening to Desmond Carrington, and almost missed my shower.

Yes, big Desmond Carrington fan, me.

What you've never heard of him? Well I don't have time for that now.

But he was playing a song. (Newsflash)

"Yesterday, When I Was Young".

I had never heard it. It could have been from the 60s, but I think I recognised Elton John's timbre  as more naughties Elton, 2000s Elton, or maybe a little more.

It had the breadth and depth and heart and soul that older singers grow.

And it was lovely.

But it was French.

Everybody has a love/hate relationsh with the French. Generally it's hate. That's why they're the French.

But the sweet chanson is something to behold.
The story of the chanteur is something to be treasured.
The silk of the chanteuse is something.... Which deserves some considerable thought.

It is, alas, romantic.
Simple and beautiful and sweet.

And this was the song I heard.

I don't how long it will last, but's my favourite song.

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