Wednesday 25 September 2013

Flies, That's What.

You know flies? You are resting your eyes lying in a garden chair
And a fly lands on your hand.
It tickles.
You shake your hand? Right? You don't open your eyes.
You shake your hand. The particular effect of the presumed fly disappears.

Then a few seconds later the tickle returns.
You're a bit more irritated.
You have a right to be. You made the situation more than clear.
So you shake your hand again. More vigorously, this time.
But you are still resting so certainly don't open your eyes.
Now the fly could not possibly be confused.
He won't be back.

Except, a few seconds later the bloody thing lands again.
Three times.
Same place.
Why hasn't he got the message?
Your willingness to share or not share your space with the fly should have been fully understood by now. There was no room for doubt.

So now we have to.. we are forced your eyes.
You shake even more vigorously.
Perhaps even raise your voice.
Consider a little fly spray or a rolled up newspaper.

And of course he doesn't come back.

But it wasn't the raising of the voice, the vigorous shaking, the considering of the newspaper, the inherent all-pervading threat of a face full of fly spray.
Of course not.
Because they are stupid.
When you think about it, it can only really be this. Flies try their luck three times.

They don't land three times because they're playing a psychological game with you.
They must land three times because three times is the times that they land.
Isn't that the real truth?
Isn't it?

Bloody flies.

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