Monday, 23 May 2011

Lipstick on Collar

Poor old Ryan Giggs.
How horrible for a celebrity not to be able to betray and humiliate his wife of 4 years and scar his 2 young children for life without being embarrassed and inconvenienced by it.
Everyone else in life gets their affairs discovered, maybe by a look, a text, an email, a change in after-shave or spring in the step and various other more modern versions of lipstick on collar.
But perhaps his wife would have chosen to look the other way as she has such young kids. She might have ignored her suspicions of a man who is loved by millions if not approaching billions. After all, who would care about her little life? I mean, apart from Max Clifford.
Ryan Giggs hid like a weasel behind his celebrity and threw his money at it because that's the sort of hero he is - one with more money than character.
He can afford to make any problem go away.
Till today.
I know there are two sides to every story. But,for crying out loud, she's the Big Brother girl!
There are three victims here and Ryan Giggs isn't one of them. His wife has had the reality he provided rammed down her throat even harder by his exponential stupidity. He's stuffed her like she's producing Fois Gras and then tried to make the English justice system his fourth victim. Plenty of people have slipped up there. Doesn't he read the papers? Expenses scandal anyone?
He was Hitler invading Russia without the brain power. At least Adolf had one nut that worked.
How Ryan must pity himself for his misfortune but how lovely he will get off so lightly.
Living by the sword involves wielding it rather than cowering behind it.
Either way,'s payback time.

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