Wednesday 14 July 2010

Weather check

It's raining today. Middle of July.
What do you do when you are out in the rain?
You might walk under a tree in the rain for protection.
You might choose a strong oak or take your chances with a young flexible willow. It might depend on your preference for a sturdy support or something that yields to the wind of change. (Yes, you guessed it I am about to launch into another weak analogy about life and relationships. Buckle up).
You might seek out such protection. It would be natural. It might be the most important thing in the world to you. Although you may just be attracted to healthy bark that you hope and pray is no worse than its blight.
Either way you are sheltered. You will be dry for a time.

When the weather changes and the sun comes out, when the atmosphere clears and the clouds have enough defined shape to earn themseves a latin label, then you may still be cowering under that tree.
Even when the leaves have gone and the protection is questionable at best.
Even when the rot sets in.
By then it may be the only place you feel safe. But by then it may be the only place the rain is still coming down. You think you have a support, a shield, a protector as the heavy drops strike you randomly. Instead you have an icy wet insult just when you least expect it. It's cold and apprehensive, scary and insecure.

Choose, check and maintain your support wisely.
Replace it when it is longer effective.
Screw and nail as required.
It's basic DIY for life.

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