Thursday 1 July 2010

Mysterious by their Absence: When Vicars Roamed

When did you last see a dog collar on the streets?
When did you last see a vicar doing his shopping?
You used to see them around a bit every now and again with their big plastic teeth and cups of tea.
Of the three professions - doctor, lawyer, church (I am ignoring recent additions to the claim. I think the Gateshead Sage is nice but I wouldn't call it one of the Seven Wonders) - I know GPs for example often don't wear ties anymore. But a vicar isn't just a job with a uniform, it's an identity, a true vocation. It's a lifestyle, a calling not an appointment. Can't you phone your vicar up in the middle of the night for some pastoral advice without going through Vicars Direct?
It's not a part time gig for 2 hours on Sunday morning plus evensong. They get a house and everything.
And I haven't heard of any serious vicar attacks that are keeping them so scared to leave the vestry.
There's something strange going on. I've probably said too much already.
They must be out there but they are incognito.

And while I am at it, where are the nuns?
I haven't seen once of those shuffling around the Metro Centre for ages.
When did you last see one on the bus, tube, taxi queue, at the Clinique counter?
What do they have under there - hoverboards?
No, they have all gone underground.

Some would say it is a warning of the Apocalypse.
I think they just wouldn't know how to get away from the charity muggers.

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