Thursday 15 July 2010

Aspects of Passion

You have many roles. Do you know what they are?
Are you clear what you would like to spend your time doing?
This is life awareness - how you engage with all the aspects of life.
It is your chosen level of participation (and risk) in the potential of your own existence - how far you dip your toes in.
Got it? No? Once more then...
It is how much you tip your hat at the present and the future and take part in the decisions your life makes for you.

Are you an active equal partner with chance and predictability?
Do you use your vote - your right to choose?
Do you play your part?
And whether you do or don't (there are plenty who don't), are you happy with that?
Or should you revisit this once in a while?
I call this Life Presence.
It is a presence of mind - an engagement and recogniton of the matrix around you. An awareness of whether your auto-pilot is on or off.
I suppose others have called it the Power of Now (amongst other self help best-sellers). It is a little snappier than my moniker.
Maybe you only engage reluctantly, if your life depends on it.
Or do you make every turn as though your life depends on it - is that called "micromanaging" your own life.
Micromanaging is a "bad word", commonly used in insults in the workplace by people with limited ability to communicate, as it sounds a bit clever. Very HR.
The same concept might be called "passion".
Passion is a "good" word. Overused sadly, in these days of reality TV shows and popstar auditions but a glorious concept when you recognise it for real.

Passion is an activity not a hope.

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