Saturday 20 February 2016

Dell A. Meetree

One of the more active decisions that you make as you get older is to ascribe the numbers of your age to some other quality.

People may choose to typically ascribe it to "quality" but it certainly doesn't mean that. (I am meaning quality in a different sense to my previous use of the word when I was just using it as a category. Here I mean the quality that is "quality" know..merit... distinction... excellence...that sort of crap.
Many people had better qualities when they were 17 than 37. Or 47. Or 67.

They may typically ascribe the increasing number  to experience but I have spoken before about that being confused with longevity - a fairly empty and unuseful description of time passing. Experience may be of  something outdated, redundant, incorrect, stuck in its ways. If you're talking about providing maintenance on a steam engine... I'm with you. If not, you may find yourself out in the cold.

You may choose to ascribe this prime number to a vector... a direction.
In which case I will offer you two choices.
Get ready because here they come.

Go deeper.

Or go shallower.

In so many ways those are your principal options. There are no wrong answers.
So think about it freely.
In everything.
Ride that harmonic wave, feel the zeitgeist, dip in and surf, or wax your board and ready it carefully, shake the blanket.... 
Choose the timing of your own peaks.

And roll with it.

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