Saturday 14 February 2015


Dear Aldi
I always have a slightly sad day when I open up the e-mail of Aldi Specialbuys  and see that it's only food (like this Sunday for example).
I know a lot of life is about coping with disappointment because some years ago I suffered from quite an unpleasant ingrowing toenail that really went on a bit I have to tell you. It wasn't funny at all.
But it does mean that nowadays I try to enjoy life's pleasures as much as I can.

So you can probably understand why opening up an email of such promise and finding it is promoting purely consumables is a bit like getting a nice birthday card when you're young and realising there's no money in it.
Or maybe like getting a book for Christmas.
A book!
I don't know if any of your other customers have suffered similar melancholy?
Best regards

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email to Aldi customer services.

We are sorry to hear you feel disappointed with this Sunday's special buys. We do try to cater for a variety of tastes and consumer requirements.

We hope you will continue to be a valued Aldi customer and would like to thank you for your feedback

Kind Regards


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