Thursday 9 October 2014


Competition entry.
Task - write a short story of exactly 100 words incorporating three specific words (jade, conduit, effervescent). The closing date to enter is Friday 10 October at 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST.


Jade slid the rusty safety chain on the front door and powered up the laptop.

She'd find the reasons for Jerry's recent twitchiness, his quietness, lack of eye contact, angry lovemaking. "It's not OK to love Call of Duty more than me!"

The Search Conduit virus infected the machine, uninvited pop-ups effervescent as she crept and crawled through his browsing history, anything but silently.

She'd take a quick look and then disappear, deleting any trace of her presence, still unsure if mutual betrayal could be CntrlAltDeleted.

A push at the door and the safety chain shattered...
With AK47.

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