Friday 2 August 2013

Never Trust a Bookie

How many times have you read the story... "Ladbrokes slashes odds on X".

Until today, I actually believed that was an interesting representation of the market.

Now I know differently.

A few weeks ago. I tried to place one of those bets on something that was "out there".
So I had what I thought would be a mildly interesting adventure of asking Ladbrokes to quote odds as I could not find them online.
It was a reasonably conventional headline grabbing bet that comes up quite regularly. Namely , the identity of the next actor to play the Doctor (of Doctor Who fame). 
Currently this is a hot issue again, in case you have not noticed.

So I opted for a popular actor, not too well known, but very talented, whom (not Who) I felt would be a good choice. I mentioned in this very blog - Daniel Rigby. As regular readers will remember (coughs).

But Ladbrokes would not give odds.
They went to their assessors.
No odds were available through customer service.

How odd, I thought.
Maybe it's because the market is closed because the secret is already out in some circles.

But today's news surely would make that... well, you fill in the gap.

Because apparently as Ladbrokes "slashed the odds" (remember, they do this) on Peter Capaldi to play the next Doctor. Daniel Rigby dropped into second place.
Second place? Second, if you will. Place!
When I asked a few weeks ago, no odds were given.
They went to their assessors. You remember I told you this.

So what's going on?
If Ladbrokes are actually "slashing" (are you getting it now? Join in, if you know the words) imaginary odds that are not available to the public, then what on Gallifrey is going on?

There you go you see. You beat me to it.
Its marketing. 
Free advertising.

I have to hand it to them, I've been falling for it for years.
This was the first time their marketing actually led to me wanting to give me them my money.
And when I did, they declined. (In fact to be accurate about it. They wasted my time, and declined. A slightly more serious offence in my book).

Then you hear something like this today from their PR department. 

Jessica it turns out is one of the ladies of Ladbrokes PR outfit and it has to be said particularly easy on the eye, but then that's PR for you. It's just an observation, I'm not complaining. But oh, I get it... that makes me the sexist. Right. I always get that wrong.

So rule number one. 
Ladbrokes lie.

I know. 
I know.
I shouldn't trust so. 

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