Monday 5 August 2013

Fringe Thoughts

Maybe you could be tempted into writing a little performance piece yourself, someday.
What would it be about?
What would you want to say?

Maybe you would talk about yourself.
Or you might talk about your work. (But the people at work don't care about that. And your friends seem to prefer to talk about themselves themselves. What do you have to say to that? To them?)

So you might work out slowly what you have to say.
Be convicted.
Show conviction.
Build it. Not like a wall or a conservatory. But perhaps you have to build it like.... a wine. Or the breeding of a horse.
Maybe you will get lucky and it will all pour out of you like a lazy glass of Thunderbird.
Or it could be 20 years of patchworking a quilt.

Or perhaps you'll never know.
Or perhaps you'll never try.
Or never care.
Or you will.
And you will work out what it is you have to say.

And then you will build it.
And then finally, they will come.

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