Wednesday 4 August 2010

TV Doctrines

I feel like Dr Who
Very old and the last of my kind.
Fortunately it's time for a holiday.

I also feel like Dr When.
When is the right time to move and change.

And Dr How.
How to nurture nature and lubricate change.

Growth needs stimulation.
Roots need bigger planters.
Change needs space, a little Miracle Gro and broadband access.
Or else, your leaves turn brown, your soil turns to dust, your xylem chokes and you settle for dial-up.

Do we fill a position or a void?
Do you enhance something when you are there?
Would you leave a gap if you left? A real one - not just a "best of luck in the future" card.
Would you leave an arse groove in the sofa of life?
Does it matter?
Surely a smattering of mattering is a good thing.
Does. It. Need. To. Be. You?

Early interests in a young life may emerge in dazzling fictional worlds.
You may have started adventures in TV stepping into otherly worlds with a little Saturday night scifi. Why not? It pushes your boundaries with the humanity, colour, allegory and moral stimulation of a great teacher.

It is more than entertainment. Good TV changes people. We internalise those messages and plant and prune and tend as we grow. Or age.
Plant, prune and tend.
Keep pruning. Keep tending. Keep reminding ourselves to keep planting.
(Not in obvious procreative seminal ways. Use a hoe if you must, but I am talking about real spadework).

Still though, despite our best efforts or no effort at all perhaps, before we are pushing up daises, it seems we are destined less to find our answers in the treaties of the Neutral Zone than we are in Gardener's Question Time.

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