Wednesday 9 June 2010

Cream of the crop

So when Patrick Stewart comments on James Cordon's belly and scruffy demeanour hosting an awards ceremony (called Glamour, ahem) the quickfire wit responds. "I can see you dying on stage right now". A death threat? A wish for his death? A threat to a fight an old man? Or most improbable of all, a joke?
Of course if someone was to die soon, apart from Cordon in his recent humiliatingly poor sketch show, it would likely be the fat, young comic. Or maybe he has never heard of John Candy, Chris Farley etc.
Is this the best this man can do? Stewart has more class in his little finger than Cordon could imagine after the most hallucinogenic of pies. Blame bulimia Cordon, that will at least be funny. And learn some respect for your elders and/or betters. In your case, that's just about everybody.

Patrick Stewart standing over Cordon's grave. That's funny. That goes in straight in the chapter labelled black comedy or irony. Perfectly legit. So Cordon signing of with "Get a taxi - the old man's going home", he couldn't stop himself. He might as well have said 'Get an ambulance'. With him leaning on the podium, you can see the actions of a school bully. I wonder how much pocket money he stole in those happy tuckshop years.
Stewart does not shrink of course. He can have him for breakfast. OK he is not the funniest guy but he as making a valid point.

Now given that this is going to be shown all over the world for years and follow them both particularly Cordon, could he not smell a publicity opportunity and force himself to come out of it with some dignity not just looking like a fat bully. Clearly not.

It is the same lack of insight that made him behave like that in the first place.

I'd like to think this was a brilliant publicity stunt for his appearance on the next episode of Doctor Who but alas, I think not.
Stewart as a serious actor already has a funnier back catologue than Cordon with outrageously brilliant and self-deprecating appearances in the cutting comedy edge that is Family Guy and of course Extras.

On the other hand of course, the award wasn't about either of them was it?


Joanne said...

Errr... I think you'll find that James Cordon actually meant that Patrick Stewart was, at that moment in time, "Dying a death on stage" - comedy wise, you humourless fool. Bet you feel a bit silly for wasting 10 minutes of your life typing that drivvel now don't you?! Oh, and as for the bullying comment, Stewart was the only bully on that stage from what I can see. Remind me, which one of them instigated the personal attack again?? Oh yes, the king of the losers - sorry, Trekkies. Maybe if he had said it in Clingon, you would have ACTUALLY GOT THE JOKE...

Mr Impossible said...

Thanks Joanne.
So you're saying it's a JOKE (I believed I covered that option) although I fear the audience's silence betrayed their uncertainty as well. least you had a good laugh - that's the important thing.
You asked me to remind you of something - which one instigated the attack. Cordon by this time had spent the evening "giving it out" and abusing all the award winners with his trademark genius. That, by the way, is "starting it". Of course, like most bullies, he cannot take it.
Curiously I don't feel silly. I'll give it some thought about whether I should or not but I think the answer is almost certainly going to be ...not! Sorry! Betting is perhaps something you should leave to the grown ups.
Great to know you are enjoying the blog. Thanks for your interest.
I activated comments, realising the internet always opens you up to abuse, but I am going to accept your comment for posterity and not delete it. Congratulations.
Cordon does polarise people for sure - those that have a sense of humour and, sadly Joanne, those that don't.
Oh .. and although I cannot c'laim to be f'luent, that would be KLINGON WITH A KAPITAL K...