Sunday 25 April 2010

The Weekly Shop

I can tolerate a trip to the supermarket.
I can negogiate the challenges.
I can even live with the supermarkets who don't offer handbaskets even though they force me to buy only what I can carry.
I won't deny it's getting harder to find where I left my trolley in the larger supermarkets but I carry my confusion with great dignity and the casual observer would be none the wiser.
But don't ask me why....
Whenever I leave a supermarket or any other out of town shopping centre, when I get into my car, I do not want anyone else getting into their car next to my space and being about to drive off at the same time.
I find the chance of this happening accidentally remote. Yet clearly it isn't. It happens all the time.
I have lost count of the times I have written to Asda, Tesco etc to ask to them to make an announcement that odd and even numbered car park spaces check out separately in 15 minute
So all I ask is this.
When I am unpacking my trolley.
when I am turning the ignition.
When I am scrambling for my sunglasses.
That's my me time.

Kindly leave me alone.

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