Wednesday 21 April 2010

How old are you?

How old are you?
Don’t you love that question?
So brief, no hard to hide the truth without being a liar. A simple sword of truth that can wipes away hundreds of pounds of face polish?
How old are you?
Very hard to answer originally without at the very least appearing evasive.
So why not try this?
When someone asks you how old you are, you tell the truth (sorry) but prefix it with the word “only”?
Or “still only”
How old are you?
I’m only 41.
Yeah, still only 41.

Not a lie (perhaps).
Not evasive.
And likely to immediately derail the conversation in the shortest time possible.
I love that idea. I think it might work its bewildering magic both in response to a social enquiry from a nosey sod or even at a professional interview.

You could go on to explain how this extraordinary state of affairs came to be
“How old are you?”
“I’m only 41 (I had a year off)”

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