Thursday, 17 September 2015

Generation X-terminate.

Life, media and celebrity celebrates youth. Trades in it. Mortgages it. 

And yet it is the 'young elderly' that will dominate our economy and has already organised and seeded its collapse. 

Who were these assassins?
In part, politicians ....rewarding donors ....back-handing big bankers with pleasing legislations and black tie events....feeding the leeches who bleed para-solutions to the housing crisis. 
Making hay for the modern, svelte, gym-bunny rich young/old CEOs as well as the bloated heart-attacks in residence. 
Scratching backs. 

Still no houses but what the hell, we all had a bloody good time at the Charity Raffle for the hospice, didn't we?
Perhaps we'll see you volunteer down the soup kitchen, fellas. Don't bother dry cleaning the dinner jacket. Thought not!

And then there are the sins of the fathers.....those older Tory politicians, and Labour for that matter that spoke, guffawed and splattered over their fat bellies and glasses of port about the importance of family... failing to tell us that the particular part of the family they were interested in were more often prepubertal children, or occasionally simply the wives, (sorry, Edwina, and husbands), of colleagues and Twitter followers. Trading in the souls of others and appeasing any remnants of conscience with GiftAid.

Some of their sins may come back to haunt them in their lifetimes. 
Many will not.
Suffer the children.
History will judge the last generation as the haves and their spawn as the have-nots.

That youth thing.
It's gotten so old.

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