Wednesday 26 November 2014

G Force

Life is gravity.
And gravity defines orbit - a celestial looping of moons around planets, and planets around suns, perpetually falling. But falling with a momentum that prevents closeness. In astronomical terms, a level of closeness that would result in destruction, disaster, pain, Armageddon.

The challenge for a moon is to remain in orbit. The challenge of a life is to keep your plates spinning. Both positions eternally falling, saved only by their momentum.
But you can choose when to fall.
You can stop dead. Or you can slow down and gently offer your momentum.
You can surrender to the options and opportunities that come at you.
You can stop.
You can settle.
But either way you will fall.

You might choose to do that for reasons such as... well, you know better than I.
Perhaps you don't even have momentum, and you're looking to catch a favourable wind on the back of somebody else's. There is no crime in hitching a ride .
But hitchhiking is dangerous. Just ask Rutger Hauer.

Let's say you're trotting on with your own momentum. Perfectly happy. Perfectly unhappy.
You might speed up. But most people don't.
You might slow down. Your balance goes and you fall, no longer sustainable in your orbit.
You fall. Maybe you've been looking for an excuse to.

And you might let gravity take you. Your past momentum just a page in the scrapbook.
Hoping for a happy landing.
Or just looking to settle.

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