Thursday, 21 February 2013

Time Well Spent

I have started knitting.
I'm a knitter (or as my speech recognition program would have it, Anita)

Generally what I'm saying is, I do knitting now.

I don't, of course. That would be ridiculous.

But I might as well, as I've noticed that I have started doing things with less credibility than even that.
I am in the process of repairing a board game. (I have to be honest with you, it's an absolutely terrible use of my time).

But, it's my boardgame. In fact, slightly poetically, it is the Game of Life.
And I've let myself down, because I have actually repaired it before. And like an idiot I didn't ask Google for expert advice beforehand. Shamefully, I've discovered I didn't do a particularly good job.
A little research has told me that there is a golden rule that I was unaware of. (It is not a defence, I understand that ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless it's marital coercion).
It is simply this: 'Never put Sellotape (Scotch tape  - hello America) on the outside of the game box'.
This would not previously have occurred to me, but I recognise a ruthless truth when I have to.

So like Marty McFly going three decades back in time, I've had to rectify the wrong. So I have just spent a few hours removing the Sellotape from the fragile 30-year-old piece of cardboard - solvents/cotton buds/the whole nine yards. (Don't get too worried about me, the great thing is you can do it while you're watching Dallas).
So now, effectively I'm a knitter. That's what those patient wondrous chapesses do isn't Dallas and knit? (It's getting good by the way, Bobby's been arrested for murder and I still don't know how to pearl one).

I have to be honest. I didn't expect to find myself making this admission.
It's got me thinking about a few other admissions I'd like to introduce myself to.
So I'm thinking of becoming a Scientologist. Where is that Free Stress Test when you're actually looking for it? I can't believe I've walked past so many opportunities to mess with their heads. What was I thinking of?

At least where I live there is a Spiritual Evidence Society just down the road.
So don't call me on Thursday evenings.
It's Healing Hour.

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