Thursday 26 April 2012

Headlines, karaoke and snowstorms

Never mind about change.
To even maintain your status quo there are going to be times when you have to yank every chain, pull every cord, mix up the sandstorm and let it settle one more time. Let it have another go.
It will never settle the same way twice.
Somewhere there will be an irregular pattern, a crook of light, somewhere there will be

The world outside is a globe, but the world inside is a snowglobe. We all have one. It shakes with every step, but it is steadiest at home on a mantelpiece, waiting a good old dust.
Pay no attention to it. Who needs a running commentary?
When you wear your heart on your sleeve, you put your snowglobe in your pocket.
When you settle, you gently place it down.
After all it wasn't meant to last. Nothing does. It was only a toy from a trip abroad. Best put it in the attic and leave it there.



Pan for riches instead.
Rake and sift through the debris and look for a new opportunity, maybe a glimpse or glitter of gold. But as every miner 49er knows it's often turns out to be fool's gold. And the only thing you end up rich in is metaphor.

So you wash your pan and scoop again like a gigantic mechanical arm mining up the atoms of the atmosphere and letting the clouds slip through your fingers trying to catch one perfect drop of rain.
Avoiding the thought that you affect the world you interfere with. Your presence changes it. Your attention alters it. Your  touch can destroy it. You have to be gentle.

Sometimes life is a pocket snowstorm.
Sometimes it's a pocket orchestra, waiting with baton aloft to shuffle up another tune.
Why not join in when you know the words or like the licks? Karaoke's fun, (a survey said).

When you're out of energy and the devil of destiny knocks, you'll still need to draw on something.
It's something that will define your security, your anxiety and neediness and ultimately the most important quality of you.
But do you know what it is?
Do you know how you'll react when the chips are down?
I'm guessing you do.
Because you've done it before a million times. That's why you're still here fighting with the rest of us.
You'll fall back on old patterns, old songs, old books, new books, new songs, tried and tested comforts, nicotine, the lottery, a DVD set, a radio channel, the book, a bottle, a walk.
And if you're British probably a drink and a chat.
That's fairly functional.

But you might go rogue this time.
You might go dysfunctional.
You might steal that DVD set, smash that radio, tear up that book, drink a crate of bottles, smoke something more interesting, bet the farm and walk into trouble, into a fight, into a police cell or into a newspaper.
Good luck with that.
It might well work for you.

You have to know your own headlines.

And know where to stand to catch your own snowstorms.

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