Thursday 16 December 2010

Prime Directives

Life is other people.
But of course it's more complicated than that.
If you go with Sartre, Hell is other people.

Think about the challenge facing your general practitioner and glimpse this dilemma.

I do like a quote and I think it was Douglas Adams who spoke of doing six impossible things before breakfast.
In family medicine there are at least three impossible things for the GP to do:
1. Take responsibility for other people's decisions
2. Quantify uncertainty
3. Predict the future
4. Protect the innocent
5. Uphold the law
6. Serve the public trust.

Okay, so the last three belonged to Robocop. So putting aside his prime directives for a while, let's concentrate on the first three.

To take on any one of these some may consider to be madness, foolish vanity, gross stupidity or worse, an overeagerness to please.
To take on two of these things is carelessness (quotes are like buses, sometimes they come in threes).

Only a dreamer would take on all three.


This is the War.

Take your position.

And choose your weapons.

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