Wednesday 29 September 2010

Cruet but kind

It's not often I give away one of my main dietary secrets but if you could have unlimited access to a tasty calorie-free food that is dirt cheap, wouldn't you eat more of it?
Of course you would!
A food that your body loves and yet will put nothing on your hips and is one of the cheapest things at Tesco?
That's right.
A delicious no-brainer?
Manna from Morrisons?

That's why I've been eating more salt.
What do you need with your fish and chips?
With your Salt and Shake crisps?
And shake.
Remember when people used to put them mountains of salt on the side of their plate instead of sprinkling it all over?
Who did that? Old people, that's who. People who lived to be old.
And how did they get old? With a lifelong commitment to delicious salt.
It's essential for every cell in your body and full of crystalline goodness.
Load up a few mounds of salt today. It's the ultimate convenience food.
Cut ready to be poured and licked directly from the palm of the hand.

And you'd be hard pressed to say that about vinegar!

Eat more salt!

(From the Salt Advisory Board)

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