I was accused of being an idealist today.
To be honest, that's not particularly uncommon.
But I am occasionally accused of being a cynic.
That's not particularly uncommon either and I rather enjoy my ambiguous status.
But while I regularly bathe in both these labels, which one is true?
In the words of Harry Hill, there's only one way to find out!
I rarely accuse others of these things.
What use is it? Is it helpful? Do people appreciate the insight? Generally, no. They are just labels. They are useful for dismissing people's outlook on life if you are the sort of person who likes the way that feels, regardless of their perhaps hard-won credibility.
It's a playground thing, subtle bullying, one-upmanship, points-scoring bullshit. "Well that's just because you're...[fill in the adjective]". "You smell". "No, you smell". Unarguable.
It's just done in a more sly, more adult, more subtley sophisticated manner.
Don't get me wrong, it's NOT sophisticated but it may fool the casual observer.
It's still playground stuff. It reminds me of being asked my a fellow pupil who was flicking through a biology book whether or not I had a "scotrum" at school.
It sounded nasty so I denied it (even if he had not mispronounced scrotum I may still have said no) but my denial was followed by mild hilarity as I denied the existence of my genital bag.
So what's going on? How can you be an idealist and a cynic?
Suffice to say, it's possible. It's possible just by saying, rather obviously, that these qualities apply to different areas or life.
But was the label that well thought out?
I don't think so.
But surely this is a useful exercise, no?
Well, I'll tell you.
It only says something about your accuser .
It really does not say anything much about you.
You've been here before. That sign post up ahead... the destination ... is "it's not you, it's them". However sophisticated their name calling becomes, it's a thin veil and, unless humorous in delivery which would vindicate it, then it's vapid and pointless.
So they can stick that in their pipes and smoke it.