The sweetest moment can change your day.
Flashes of tacit understanding between strangers.
Flickers of recognition that says 'we're all on the same team'
Even when we're not.
Morsels of humanity to be savoured.
Yes, well I think you get the idea.
Can any be as touching as this which happened to me this morning and will have undoubtedly happened to you? To be on the receiving end of a selfless gesture where you can do nothing but repeat the favour for another stranger and mutter a thank-you as your champion barely throws you a glance as he bestows his dutiful favour.
Of course, you have guessed it.
I am talking about those tireless individuals who put up the Next Customer Please sign before you put your shopping down on the conveyor belt.
God bless them and all who sail in them.
Life should be made of these moments.